Does anyone ever really want to grow up? The exciting part of the CIT/AIDE program is the balance between work and play, or the opportunity to gain independence and responsibility while still being a kid. As our CITS & AIDES ready themselves for their formative years of High School, the opportunity to work with our campers in different age groups gives them the chance to make quick decisions, learn from their mistakes, and take direction from their superiors. We also recognize that our 13-15 year old CITS and AIDES still benefit from the importance of “play” and taking advantage of fun activities and special events. The pressures of balancing school work, sports leagues, and extracurriculars during the year can be tough, and for two months at camp, these young teens can “de-stress” while preparing themselves for another school year. Whether it is exciting out of camp trips to Dorney Park or the Jersey Shore, our annual Color Run Paint Powder event, or even just a CIT/AIDE kickball game, all of these activities lend themselves to social growth and confidence, and most importantly keeping the “F.U.N. in C.I.T.” CIT/AIDE Director, Adam Baranker, always talks about the “tool kit” that CITS and AIDES walk away with at the end of the summer. “The mix of work and play gives our CITS & AIDES a multi-layered experience that they wouldn’t receive if they were still solely campers or fully staff. This in-between allows them to value the time with their groups gaining skills and accountability, because they also know that they are able to still be a kid and “hang out” as they like to say. They have it right…let’s stay kids as long as we can!”